torsdag 18. april 2013

He Already Sees


When the storm raged about them
The disciples were afraid
For the waves were high and the ship was tossed
They could not find their way
Then they awoke the master
Saying Lord please save us now
He rebuked the winds and the sea grew calm
And they all wondered how


God sees the storm from the other side
He knows the lessons learned
And just beyond the clouds He sees clear skies
He speaks peace to the raging storm when peace could not be found
He already sees the rainbow when we see only clouds


Like the man on the sea did
I have called on God in prayer
When it seemed to me all hope was gone and in my deep despair
I remembered what the Lord said when He calmed that troubled sea
And I know once more how He sees the storm
And peace floods over me


God sees the storm from the other side
He knows the lessons learned
And just beyond the clouds He sees clear skies
He speaks peace to the raging storm when peace could not be found
He already sees the rainbow when we see only clouds


And when the storms of life come crashing in and trouble me
I can feel Gods arms around me and he whispers
Let it be, Let it be



5 kommentarer:

  1. Så nydelig! Er det en sang? I så fall har jeg ikke hørt den.
    Jeg håper du har gode - men helt sikkert strevsomme - dager med magen og alle dine skjønne!
    Forresten kjempe fine sofaer dere hadde fått. Gode sitteplasser til mange er jo gull!
    God klem

  2. Dette var vakkert....tusen takk - den traff meg i dag. <3

  3. nydelig sang! :)
    Du kan ikke legge ut ei fin spilleliste med kristne sanger? Det hadde jeg likt :)

  4. Vakkert og sant!!
    Hvilken mektig Gud vi har!!!
    Gratulerer med ny sofa..den var kjempe fin og så god ut;)
    Nå nærmer det seg for oss har snart 8 uker igjen..Håper du tar det mere med ro nå da og vær forsiktig!
